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`.here is a page for idiots..CLICK HERE

OK..my friend jason (co- owner)...says that the links are are a bit hard to locate...so for all u dummies out there..i hav made a scroll down table for u to choose.. . ..jason says he's not a idiot...



Welcome to my web page. My name is Xiao but since nobody can actually say my name properly you can call me chow which sounds kinda like my name. Anyway I hope you enjoy the anime site. I have collected some stuff and just jammed it onto the site. It may load kinda slow coz there are some big GIF movies on here. I am still trying to improve...so if u find anythin interestin like anime stuff please email me on teenage_dirtbag64@hotmail.com. So enjoy the site……. oh yea...I’v just started ..so it’s pretty crap at the moment...soz…..

vote for me.....
